Developed by researchers at Melbourne’s Swinburne University, Mental Health Online is an innovate hub for free and accessible support. The site consists of three main elements:
Online Treatment Programs: Courses tailored to address one or more identified clinical issues, including generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and panic attacks. Participants can work through online modules of around one hours’ duration independently or with the support of a professional e-Therapist.
ePass: A mental health self-assessment tool useful for people who don’t have a mental health diagnosis, but would like direction towards the most suitable courses or additional support options.
place (Virtual Reality Mindfulness Practise): An online mindfulness tool available at beginner, intermediate or advanced levels, which can be used with or without a virtual reality headset.
Please note: Mental Health Online is not intended for people experiencing acute mental health crisis, or to be used in place of face-to-face clinical support.