UrVoice Australia

UrVoice Australia’s mission is to ensure all teenagers feel safe and supported in schools. Statistics show that suicide is the leading cause of death in teenagers, yet many teenagers fail to have the correct resources or get the help they need at school. UrVoice Australia aims to ensure every student feels that their voice is heard and that they can speak up without stigma.

This is achieved through their flagship program called Speak Out@School, a digital platform to help students report wellbeing issues 24/7, allowing schools to understand a student’s circumstances. This is the first of its kind. The platform aims to support students, parents and faculty in speaking out against student wellbeing issues and to increase support for students when facing wellbeing issues or safety concerns.

Speak Out@School is currently in its pilot stage with project delivery anticipated by June 2022.

For more information visit https://www.urvoice.com.au/