An evidence-based strategy to
protect your mental health
“I am not afraid of the storms for I am learning to sail my ship.”
– Louisa May Alcott, 1868
Reframing the value of Resilience
Recent national research shows 9 out of 10 Australians resilience levels fall below the range that can protect their mental health, putting them at higher risk of depression and anxiety.
It’s time to reframe the way we think about resilience and recognise just how important it is in today’s world. Resilience is not just bouncing back from setbacks; it’s also about being able to adapt to change, find common ground with others and prioritise wellbeing. We can all be proactive to prevent mental health issues from becoming complex and intrusive in our lives, to protect ourselves and future generations. The fundamental key is resilience skill building and education.
‘It is the single most impactful action we can take – to proactively build resilience as a means to protect mental health and be a positive influence to those around us’. – Jurie Rossouw
Resilience Assessment
The Starting Point
RFA Starter TRaining
Resilience First Aid
Courses & Certification
Skills Building For Teams
Mental Health First Aid
Resilience Challenge
Training for 15-24yrs

Resilience Assessment
Resilience isn’t just about coping, being tough or pushing through; rather it’s a skill that anyone can learn and develop. Being able to effectively measure where your resilience currently sits will help to give a better understanding of your ability to be resilient and employ resilience skills.
Our certified practitioners use a scientifically validated psychometric resilience assessment tool. Taking just 3 minutes to complete online, this scores relative strengths across six domains of resilience and gives a sound foundational starting point.
Resilience First Aid Starter Training is a 2-hour workshop that offers valuable insights and tools and strategies to:
- Appreciate mental health prevention strategies
- Gain awareness and impact of psychosocial hazards
- Understand the value of supporting resilience in others
- Recognise when someone needs resilience support
- Identify strengths and create a resilience action plan
RFAST workshops can be delivered online or face-to-face.

Resilience First Aid
Resilience First Aid is a mental health certification that teaches strength-based skills to support resilience in others and build meaningful relationships.
The key course objectives include: identifying when others may be experiencing low resilience, developing skills in strength-based and proactive conversations and hold a space for others and yourself to build resilience and move forward.
Resilience First Aid Course Available Fully Online

Mental Health First Aid
The 12-hour Standard Mental Health First Aid course teaches adults (18 years and over) how to provide initial support to adults who are developing a mental illness or experiencing a mental health crisis. The course teaches about the signs and symptoms of common and disabling mental health problems in adults, how to provide initial help, where and how to get professional help, what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective, and how to provide first aid in a crisis situation.
To find out more or arrange a course for yourself or your organisation, please contact
The Resilience Challenge
The Resilience Challenge is a two hour training for young people 15-24 years of age that offers tools and strategies to build resilience skills.
- Learn about what resilience is and how to build skills to feel better equipped when life happens
- Hear the facts on why it is important to look after mental health.
- Your brain matters, why health and fitness is important for resilience
- Set a challenge and tap into the experience of our team, to build strategies to help reach a personal goal

It is the single most impactful action we can take – to proactively build resilience as a means to protect mental health and be a positive influence to those around us.
– Jurie Rossouw