Support Services on the Central Coast
If you or someone you know requires urgent assistance, please contact one of the services listed below.
In a life-threatening emergency, call 000.
Clearly state the situation so you can be advised what to do until help arrives.
If you need advice in a mental health crisis, call:
NSW Mental Health Line (free from land lines) 1800 011 511
For professional counselling, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week contact:
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
This card helps keep useful numbers handy for anyone seeking mental health support. This double-sided resource (pictured right) is available through local community and health organisations across the region.
To access a PDF copy that can be easily printed and stored in your wallet or purse, click here.

Click here to see a list of mental health support services provided by the Australian Department of Health.
Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy is a website that can help you search for support services nearby such as housing, food, money help, family violence support, counselling and Centrelink.
Ask Izzy is free and anonymous, and there are thousands of services listed across Australia. If you’re on the Telstra or Vodafone mobile networks, you can access Ask Izzy on your phone even if you don’t have credit or access to wifi.
Visit and enter your location to start searching for services nearby.
Click here to access an up-to-date directory of support groups across the region, compiled by Central Coast Local Health District.
For information and support speak to your doctor, or call:
(youth – Gosford)
4304 7870
Parent Line NSW
(weekdays 9am-9pm; weekends 4pm-9pm)
1300 130 052
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Crisis Support Line
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
13YARN (13 92 76)
Kids Help Line
(young people aged 5-25)
1800 551 800
(24/7 sexual assault and family violence counselling)
1800 737 732
Beyond Blue
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
1300 22 46 36
(24/7 crisis counselling)
13 11 14
(3pm – 12am counselling and online chat for LGBTIQ)
1800 184 527
Men’s Line
(24/7 support for men)
1300 789 978
(9am – 1am young people 12-25 years and their families or friends)
1800 650 890
By being involved in a wide range of social and community activities and conducting fundraising events, Iris Foundation has been able to finance programs and other activities aimed at fostering resilience, hope and connections within the Central Coast community.