Spreading the word for good mental health: RUOK?

Iris Foundation volunteered to ask an important question Are You OK

Iris Foundation has been helping to highlight an important question on the Central Coast: RUOK?

Simply saying ‘I need help’ can be one of the biggest barriers facing those struggling with poor mental health or suicidal thoughts. Family members, friends and colleagues often sense something is wrong but don’t know how to raise this potentially sensitive topic.

RUOK? is a national organisation that works to encourage people to ask the question of loved ones they think may be struggling. More importantly, it offers information and next steps towards finding mental health support.

Partnering with RUOK?, Iris Foundation has engaged with hundreds of local people during September to promote conversations and help-seeking. Iris volunteers staffed an information booth on RUOK? Day, September 15, at Lake Haven shopping centre. We were also invited to share a lived experience of poor mental health and help-seeking with 250 workers at the local Woolworths distribution centre. We distributed RUOK? information and support materials at Gosford TAFE, Nexus Smart Hub and our own recent events – a fundraising barbeque at University of Newcastle Ourimbah campus and River of Reflections at Wyong Milk Factory.

Iris Foundation believes there is never a bad time to ask the question, RUOK? For more information, please visit www.ruok.org.au